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Alpha Pistol Dynamics

Welcome to our Alpha Pistol Training class, designed for shooters looking to elevate their skills.

  • 299.99 US dollars
  • Shawn Way

Service Description

This course is an intensive and dynamic program focusing on advanced techniques and tactics to enhance your precision, speed, and tactical proficiency with a pistol. Course Objectives: 1. Advanced Shooting Techniques: Learn advanced shooting stances, grip modifications, sight picture refinement, and trigger control techniques to improve accuracy and speed. 2. Dynamic Shooting Drills: Engage in high-intensity shooting drills designed to enhance your speed, accuracy, and decision-making under pressure. These drills simulate real-world scenarios to sharpen your skills. 3. Tactical Movement: Master techniques for movement, including shooting on the move, shooting from cover, and engaging multiple targets. These skills are crucial for dynamic and unpredictable situations. 5. Malfunction Clearing: Practice advanced malfunction clearing techniques to quickly and efficiently get your pistol back into action in case of a jam or malfunction. 6. Equipment Considerations: Explore advanced pistol accessories and modifications to optimize performance and customization for your needs. **Prerequisites:** Participants must have a solid understanding of pistol safety, basic shooting fundamentals, and experience with their pistol of choice. This course is not suitable for beginners. The Alpha Pistol Training course is designed to push your skills to new heights, preparing you for the most demanding shooting situations. COST OF CLASS DOES NOT INCLUDE $50 RANGE FEE DUE DAY OF CLASS

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Classes are conducted rain or shine. A cancellation of appointment does not constitute a refund. Reasonable attempts to reschedule will be made to accommodate unforeseen events. A $50 rescheduling fee will apply if date need to be rescheduled. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Details

  • 3877 Shawn Way, Loomis, CA, USA


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